Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Lake Highland BioClub

Hello from Orlando, Florida!
The BioClub at LHP has made some big plans for the inaugural year! We have elected officers and will complete our first community service project on October 18th by participating in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk. Members have formed committees to work on a school-wide (Pre-K through 12) DNA Day, possible field trips and guest speakers, and participation in USA Bio Olympiad. We are also considering ways to renaturalize different areas of our campus. We have ambitous plans and hope to accomplish them all :-)
We hope to hear about the activities of more clubs and look forward to sharing our experiences throughout the year.


George Sellers said...
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George Sellers said...

Maybe your group could communicate their DNA Day activities with Dan in Chicago (see his post)--he is wondering what other BioClub chapters are planning.