Tuesday, February 24, 2009


The application for the book scholarship is now posted on the NABT website in case you have misplaced the e-mail that I sent you. Please remember that it is due back to me (the original plus three copies) NO LATER THAN MARCH 15 !!! Also, only one student from each BioClub chapter can apply.

Have you submitted your proposals for the NABT Denver conference? Mid March is the deadline. Check the NABT website for details. Please be brave and submit something. It will be the best experience of your teaching career except forming a BioClub chapter! Even if you do not submit a proposal please try to attend the conference--they are a lot of fun, plus you can meet your fellow BioClub advisors.

DNA Day is fast approaching.

Till next time--George

1 comment:

normdahm said...

George - thanks for the update. Expect a call within a few days from me! - Norm