Sunday, July 4, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Rain Garden/Green Wall
The Vincennes University Biology club has had a great year. We applied for and were awarded a GreenVU grant to build a rain garden and a green wall. We were able to get matching funding from the Knox County United Way because it was a water quality project. We also got funding from the student government association to make the project even better. We talked to local greenhouses and got discounts on plants and materials. We teamed up with the horticulture club, and they came up with a great design for the project. Here is a picture of the very loud air conditioner that is by the entrance to our career center.
Here is an after picture
These trees will continue to grow and provide a sight and sound barrier from this AC unit. All the employees at the career center are very grateful.
The other part of the project was a rain garden, which will keep puddles from forming and will also help clean the water. Here are some before pictures:
Some students hard at work:
The educational thank you sign
Monday, May 24, 2010
LSU Lab School wins grant, participates in Coastal Roots
LSU Lab School’s Environmental/BioClub is one of ten winners of the Planet Connect $1000 grant. They were chosen based on their proposal for a rain garden and storm water control. Congratulations to MerryJean Losso, Lindsey McCain, Mr. Babcock and the rest of the club.
Coastal Roots Project
Students from the LSU Laboratory School and Westdale Heights Academic Elementary Magnet School traveled to Fontainebleau State Park in Mandeville, La, to participate in a coastal restoration planting with the LSU Coastal Roots Program. Having grown southern bald cypress, oak and loblolly pine trees in our school’s can yard under the guidance of LSU College of Education faculty, the students transplanted the seedlings to the new site to provide food and habitat for the site’s animals, as well as to provide a way to stabilize the soil there. Plants grown by the students in their school-based nurseries are chosen by the restoration site manager based on particular location’s needs.
BioClub Midland Park High School
Our biggest project this year was to build bird houses and hang them up on school grounds. The students organized two fundraising events (mud cup sales, always a big success!) to fund the project. At the moment our members try to solve the following problem:"Why did our water garden turn green?"
Thanks a lot to George Sellers for all his hard work, to the NABT for the green cords (the kids just loved the ceremony!) and to Carolina for sponsoring the Clubs!
Raina Parvanov-Dawson
Midland Park High School
Saturday, May 22, 2010
NABT BioClub in the News!
There is a very nice article about the NABT BioClub in the May 2010 Carolina Tips. You may read it at: http://www.carolina.com/category/customer+service/news/what+is+happening+at+carolina+may+2010.do?s_cid=em_ctArtOnly_05202010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Prince of Peace BioClub Busy Year

Prince of Peace College Preparatory, in Clinton IA on the Mississippi River hosted all elementary and middle school classes at our small K-12 school for National Chemistry Week's "Mole Day" by preparing scented sugar scrubs and hosting a hand-washing extravaganza. The founding Advanced Placement Biology class worked with their teacher to "de-bug" a cheap and fast enzyme assay that works well for students to investigate their own questions on how enzymes really work. The club took a spring field trip to the Devonian Fossil Gorge in Coralville IA, where fossil-rich bedrock was uncovered by the disastrous floods of 2008. In the first week of May, BioClub and other High School classes created experiments for "hands-on" National Lab Week experiments for elementary classes.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Douglas High BioClub

Thursday, March 4, 2010
East Chapel Hill High Scores!

Our large club has been very busy with competitions this year! We placed third in the state at our first ever Ocean Bowl competition. Then we placed third in the state in the Science Bowl competition (sponsored by the Department of Energy). This is a very tough collection of schools so we were pleased with our third place finish. Our JV team came in 4th so we are hopeful for next year. Then 70 students went to nearby Greensboro on February 20th for the Regional Science Olympiad competition. Our varsity team came in first and 2 of our 3 JV teams came in 1st and 2nd among all JV teams. We have had many late afternoon study sessions. If you were here, you would see students out in the commons testing trajectories and mousetrap cars, groups of students in lab aprons and goggles testing powders for Forensics, students at computers studying bird calls for Ornithology, students poring over websites to prepare for Disease Detectives, and students cramming for the Cell Biology event. It is fun, lively, and littered with pizza boxes! This is an entirely student-led club. Our success this year are due to an incredible group of officers!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Local Trappers Teach Students about Wildlife

Dryden High School is located in Northwestern Ontario, Canada. This is the second year that we have organized a BioClub, but only our first attempt at blogging!
The DHS BioClub has a distinct environmental slant to it. The students in this club are working hard to prepare for a regional Envirothon -this involves regular, weekly meetings, guest speakers, field trips and workshops. Last November (before the temperature plummeted to 30 degrees below zero C), the club headed out to a local trap line to learn about wildlife habitat. The trappers walked the students through a variety of forest types to describe how, where and when they set their traps for specific animal species. What a wonderful way to learn first hand about animal habitats!
Last week we followed up on our bush visit with an indoor trapping workshop. Students had the opportunity skin martin, beaver, muskrat and squirrel - with expert trappers on hand to assist. They also took some time learn how to identify local animal species by looking at pelts, skulls and teeth.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
re: Winter 2009
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Keystone High School Biology Club
Hello NABT chapters! This is Keystone Biology Club’s first blog post, and we have ever so much to relay about our unique, online chapter!
We recently elected co-chairs for our three committees: the Blogster, Reporter and Social committees. Congratulations to our co-chairs: Elizabeth B., Sara S., Nisa A., Sumayyah U. and Hemi M. Our club held an online election on January 19, 2010 during which members voted on the candidates. The candidates all gave presentations detailing why they are a good choice and how they would manage the committee they were running for.
Our club is currently organized into committees and each have their own “duties”. The Social Committee, for example, organizes “fun meetings” and other socials for the members. The Reporters form three groups and research topics based on personal interests. Topics in circulation currently include prokaryotes, the chaos theory as it relates to Biology and processed foods. The Blogsters devotedly work on publishing a blog piece every month.
We are also very excited at our new newsletter mini-committee. The newsletter is to be distributed in the form of Word documents to all members each month.
To start the biology club, we first solved the murder of Mr. Brooks. His body had been found in the park where it appeared that he had been having a nice picnic before he was murdered. This whodunit started some discussion on the biology club’s group site, and speculation over which of Mr. Brook’s girlfriends had killed him, and why. For the second puzzle we worked on, we were stranded on an island with only wheat and a cow. We had to decide how to use the wheat and the cow so that we could survive the longest. These puzzles were interesting, and started the club with fun activities that kept the members interested and attending meetings.
We also completed activities in meetings. In the January meeting, the attendees brought a piece of tinfoil or paper and attempted to cut it in half as many times as possible. The activity emphasized the fact that a tinfoil molecule is minute, because we would have had to cut the piece of tinfoil into thirty-six pieces to obtain a foil molecule. The most cuts that were made by the attendees were seventeen.
Some groups have presented research projects during the meetings. One group created a presentation about Vitamin D, and another did a report about Tamiflu. The biology club members also learned about H1N1, also known as Swine or Novel flu, which interested people because it is a current biological event.
We have drafted a multitude of new, intriguing ideas for our club. From a play dealing with world pollution and an ingenious onion car to a movie night, Keystone’s Biology Club is ready to start off the New Year spectacularly. We are also reforming our Reporter group to go beyond PowerPoint presentations and possibly include game show style presentations. Combining engaging activities with our projects allows members to retain more Biology related information easily. We are exploring even more ideas, including a wacky web cam day, virtual science fair, virtual tour through 360 degree panoramas, and much more.
Existing as an online extra-curricular has its disadvantages. Communications being misinterpreted and dissimilar time zones pose a difficulty. However, our members have risen to the challenge by being as accommodating as possible. In this way, we have gleaned necessary life skills through Bio Club. Though we have not met each other personally, we are a tight knit community who learn from each individual member. And there are more advantages: we have the freedom to attend our monthly meetings from any computer in the world.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Whiting High School, Laramie, WY
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Visit from the zoo!
During the unit on birds/reps/amphibs/mammals, I get our zoo educator, Jaime, to bring in some live specimens since we have completed some dissections. It is a relief for some of our students prior to exams and a great chance to get to see living organisms they never would see otherwise. (It is also really neat to have a penguin waddling around in the room!) I am hoping to spark my Bioclub into an interaction with the zoo in the form of a project for science fair.